Friday 6 July 2012


We are currently at Ku Chawe Trout Farm in Zomba Plateau. We pretty much decided a while back, that instead of doing an East Africa "trip" and rushing through towns and countries, we rather spent longer at each place and had a holiday and got to know the people and culture.
Zomba is our last stop for Malawi, then we will head back, via Tete, back to Bamboozi in Tofo for a few days of sun and surfing. After that off to Kruger park and surfing"Eastern Transvaal ", then to JOBURG to see Joyce and family.
To end we are heading via Durban south coast for few day, then on to East London.
Hope to do Namibia, Zambia, Botswana next year if we get work in time.

Cheers for now.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note Android phone

1 comment:

  1. Missing you guys a whole bunch and love keeping up with your adventures on your blog:)


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