Wednesday 6 March 2013

Redhouse River & Addo

Redhouse River & Addo
Friday  22nd-Monday 25th February

Aimee's Blog:
When we got to Addo we set up camp and went to the pool because it was so hot. After that Aunty Vicky, Uncle Mike, Josh and Nathan arrived. We had a braai that night.
The next day we went to Sundays River where we took part in the Redhouse River Mile Festival.
Bryce and I did a 5km trail run.
Bryce, Mitch and my dad did the team triathlon event. Bryce did the swim, dad did the cycle and Mitch did the run.
My mom, Aunty Vicky and Uncle Mike did the whole triathlon by themselves.
Bryce Blog:
Today we arrived at Addo Elephant Park.When we arrived we went to the pool which has a rock wall that we jumped off.We met some children from America that are travelling for 9 months, their names were Audrey, Rock and McKenzie and we played with them at the campsite that night.
We also saw this enormous porcupine with all it's quills up, it evidently makes a nightly trip through the campsite. It was a magical evening.

Today we did a 5km trail run and I ran with Aimee. After that my dad, Mitch and I did a team triathlon race. It was lots of fun and very exciting.
Aimee: The next day, on the Sunday, Bryce, Mitch, Josh, Nathan and I did the swim. It is fun because you get to go on a ferry to the other side of the river. When we were waiting for the prizegiving the Thompsons went back to East London.
Bryce: On Sunday Mitch, Aimee and I did a swimming race across the river. We all got very good placings. Aimee came 6th, Mitch came 4th and I came 2nd. It was exciting and great fun. When we got to our car we found that we were parked in and had to wait for quite a while.

On Monday on our way back to East London through Addo Elephant Park. We saw lots of warthog, a huge buffalo, elephant, zebra, impala. We stopped at Nanaga for a lovely pie and then headed back to East London.

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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee