Friday 13 July 2012

Malawi –Zomba Plateu ( Thursday 5th  – Sunday 8th July)

After leaving Liwonde National Park we had a slow drive to Zomba town where we found a, “Shoprite Checkers.” Yeah, we stocked up on our food supplies and as we left town to make our way up the windy hill to Zomba Plateu, we bought the most awesome strawberries and baby potatoes. The area reminded us a lot of Hogsback, all the beautiful trees and blossoms. We went to the campsite at Ku-Chawe Trout Farm, very basic but pretty setting on a small stream. This is the first time that we have been cold! So a bit of overkill but out came the beanies, gloves and sleeping bags. On the Friday morning we went up with the scooter to Ku Chawe Sunbird Hotel to defrost a bit in their sun and to utilise the wi-fi to download e-mails etc. In the afternoon Colin, Carolyn and their daughters Belinda & Colleen arrived from Blantyre. It was so lovely to them again and to meet the girls. We made plans for the next day to do a hike up to the waterfalls and then to go back to the cottage they were staying in for lunch.
Mitch, Bryce, Aimee, Belinda and Colleen at waterfall
We had a lovely weekend with  with the Campbells and our kids absolutely loved their girls. We decided to go & stay at their place in Blantyre on the Sunday evening and then to leave for Mozambique on the Monday morning early. We drove through the Tete corridor and overnighted at a place in Chimoio. It was at Milpark Hotel and we thought it would just be in the car park. We were pleasantly surprised to find a campsite and ablution block. Had a really awesome curry and rice at their restaurant and a good nights sleep before heading on to Tofo.
Bridge over Zambezi at Tete
Truck at Tropic of Capricorn on way to Tofo

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