Monday 28 January 2013

Saturday 15th -  Friday 21st December
Yellow Sands
After packing up the house for the people coming to rent over December and packing up the motorhome for the holidays it ended up being quite a few hectic days before we left Glen Navar. We arrived at Yellow Sands and did a very quick setup as the children had a dress rehearsal for their guitar concert the next day.
We dropped the kids at dress rehearsal and then went back to fetch Maxie from home to drop her off at the kennels for the holiday, always great to see how she wags her tail at the very posh kennels and seems very happy to be back again.
After a very quick surf for the boys the following morning, we headed off to the guitar concert at Amalinda Nursery and the children did so well with their Christmas carols on a boiling hot day. After the guitar concert we were very happy to head back down to the beach even though the water was freezing.

Mitch's blog on Yellow Sands
We stayed at Yellowsands from 15th to the 21st December. We camped with our friends Sebastian and Jaimee. While we were at Yellow Sands we had fun at the trampoline, swimming pool, riding our bikes, playing at the barn and floating down the river. The one day we did a church camp at the beach and it was loads of fun. We also did a guitar concert at Amalinda Nursery. The Dickes, our friends came for a braai one night. We also did a bit of boogie boarding and surfing. The water was freezing during the time we were there. On the last night we went to Areena for supper and we saw a snake trying to get into the restaurant through the sliding door. On the last day we were very sad to leave but we were on our way to Arendsnes in Chintsa.
Guitar concert
The next couple of days were spent  enjoying  the beach and the van der Merwe’s company around the campfire. We were lucky with the weather & the kids were able to get some good surfing/boogie boarding days.

van der Merwe & Du Preez kids at Yellow Sands
Friday 21st – Monday 24th December
Arendsnes-Chintsa East
We arrived at Arendsnes early on Friday and set up a very simple camp. Aimee could not wait to see her friend, Leah and persuaded Bryce to cycle with her down to Leah’s house where she spent the afternoon playing. Mitch and I had picked up a nasty tummy bug which kept us running backwards and forwards to the ablutions.

I went for a walk with Caroline, Antoinette to a lady in Chintsa that sells very tasty cheese and when I got back to the campsite we had a lovely visit from a couple we had met in Pomene in Mozambique earlier in the year. It was great to catch up and in the evening we went for some drinks at the Bowling Club over the road from the campsite.
Cable car ride- Leah & Aimee
The next couple of days were spent on the beach and chilling around the campsite. The Emslies came to visit on the Sunday and we all enjoyed our time together.
Emslie & Du Preez clan
 Freaky Storm on Chintsa beach
Aimee's blog about Chintsa(Arendsnes)
When we got to Chintsa we setup and then I cycled to my friend's, Leah, house. By the way she also lives in Chintsa. The next day we went to the beach and we surfed and boogie boarded. When we got back from the beach we went to the pool and swam. The next day Leah came to play at our campsite and we went on a cable car ride up over the trees of the campsite. The following day Leah and I surfed together and it was so funny because whenever one of us fell off we would burst out laughing. After the beach we went back to the campsite and swam in the pool and after that we packed up and went to Granny and Papa's house for Christmas Eve and on Christmas day we drove to P.E.
On the Monday we left Arendsnes and headed to Four Seasons where we spent  Christmas Eve with mom & dad Du Preez and Craig and Viv, who were visiting from Jhb. It was great to all be together for Christmas. We woke up on Christmas morning and after a quick breakfast we headed for P. E. to spend the rest of Christmas day with the Brown side of the family.

Christmas Eve at Granny & Papa Du Preez house
 Tuesday 25th – Thursday 27th December
Port Elizabeth
 We arrived at about 11h30 and after a quick exchanging of presents we headed to Heidi’s moms house where we all had an awesome Christmas lunch. The following day Grant, Marc & the boys went to watch the cricket at St Georges and had a great day. In the evening we had a very special braai at Grant & Michelle’s house with all the Young cousins that were also visiting in P.E. I cannot remember the last time we have all been together and the end of the evening was spent singing some old favourites with Pam leading on the guitar.

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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee