Wednesday 22 May 2013

PORT ELIZABETH: Friday 26th April – Sunday 28th April

Mitch, Aimee & I left east London for P.E. at lunchtime, leaving Bryce & Grant at home as Bryce was taking part in a surfing competition on the Sunday. After arriving at Grant & Michelle’s it was such a beautiful day that we headed for Hobie Beach with Sarah & Mikaya. We enjoyed our swim and play on the beach.

Saturday morning, Mitch had his tennis tournament at Westview Club and Heidi, Rachel & Emma came to join us.  On Sunday Marc had arrived back from Cape Town & came to visit at the tennis. It was so good to see all the cousins & family before heading off on our longer trip the following month.
 BLANCO: Friday 10th May – Sunday 12th May 2013
This was such an amazing way to spend our last weekend before leaving.A very cold Saturday morning  dawned & we had all booked to do the trail run at Blanco. Bryce, Mitch & I did the 10km run and the boys ran ahead with Jethro & Gabriel and they all did really well. It was a beautiful run through the conservancy. Lucille, Vicky & Lucille did the 21km and this went up into the mountains & sounds like it is a must do, beautiful scenery.

Aimee, Kate, Tim, Kaila & Katherine all took part in the little kids race which was so well organized. It was more of a treasure hunt & great fun was had by all.
It was really special to spend time with friends in such a beautiful spot.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend. You guys are very brave to venture out in the cold!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. You guys are very brave to venture out in the cold!


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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee