Tuesday 14 May 2013

TRIP 2013

Hi all

We are getting closer to our overland trip for the year. We have not quite finalised the trip as we would rather keep it open for change as we travel along. Our basic trip is as follows:

17 May 2013 - Lauren and kids take train trip to Joburg to visit Joyce and celebrate her birthday next week.

Next week I travel up to Joburg with the truck, collect family, and off to Buffelspoort ATKV for weekend. On the Sunday there is a trail run around the area.

Monday off to Warmbaths and overnight on way to border with Botswana.


Palapye - Khama Rino Sanctuary

Makgadigadi Pans - Planet Baobab

Okavango Delta - Maun - Audi Camp

Nata - Elephant Hills

Chobe National Park - Chobe River Lodge


Vic Falls Rest Camp



Lusaka - Eureka Camp

Kariba - House boat

South Luangwa NP - Mfuwe - Flatdogs Camp


Cape Maclear - Fat Monkeys

Kayak Africa - Mumbo & Domwe Islands


Tofo - Bamboozi or Fatimas


Wildlife Sanctuary

SA - Home

Will keep all updated as we go or as things change

Cheers for now


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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee