Saturday 9 March 2013

Merrifield Mile: Sunday 3rd March

MERRIFIELD MILE - Sunday 3rd March

Mitch's blog post: Today we went to Wriggleswade dam for the Merrifield Mile. My mom and I did the 500m race and it took us 14 minutes. My sister did the wriggle and came second in her heat. It was nice because it had markets, food stalls, lots of shade and at the cancer tent you could get your hair spray painted for R20 or buy a bandana and get a free dose of sunscreen. There was entertainment and lots of lucky draws. My mom won a 2 night stay at a bed & breakfast in Port St Johns and I won a travel bag and a cap. The guy that won the Mile swam it in 20 minutes and 56 seconds, the fastest time yet and the peson that won the womets section swam it in 22 minutes and 19 seconds. We got a lift with our friends Gabriel to & from Wriggleswade. They are very nice and friendly.
Over the weekend my Dad and Bryce went to Durban for a weekend together and Bryce took part in a surfing competition. He got knocked out in the first round but he had lots of fun. with his entry he got a leash, cap, stickers, wax, 5 stickers, a t-shirt, voucher and a poster. He surfed at New Pier in Durban. The guy that won his heat was amazing and got a 9.85 ride on one of his waves. He is 10 years old and from Cape Town.
We are going to the Science festival in Grahamstown next week, so keep looking out for new updates. Goodbye!

Aimee finishing her race

Mom, Aimee & I before the race

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