Tuesday 27 November 2012

Graaff Reinet- Friday 16th & Saturday 17th November

Graaff Reinet-Friday 16th & Saturday 17th November

Drive up to viewpoints on Valley of Desolation in Camdeboo National Park

I had forgotten how beautiful Graaff Reinet is. The town is so clean with all the jacaranda trees in full blossom. We had lunch at a lovely little spot in town and then had a little rest in the truck under the trees before heading to William and Cathy's house. We spent the afternoon swimming and playing at their house before heading off to take a drive up to the Valley of Desolation where we had sundowners and snacks. Beautiful views looking back on the town and being able to see how it is built in the shape of a horseshoe. We finished off the evening with a braai at the Pringles house.
Looking back over town
On Saturday morning the kids went up to Union Primary School to play some tennis before we left to go to Nieu Bethesda. Really beautiful school with stunning setting of the mountains in the background.

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