Tuesday 27 November 2012

Mountain Zebra National Park

Mountain Zebra National Park- Wednesday 14th & Friday 16th November

It has been a hectic couple of months and we are finally back on the road. Travelled through to Mountain Zebra and arrived at about lunchtime. Really hot Karoo weather and so we headed to the pool and chilled out around the campsite.
On Thursday morning we went for a game drive and although we didn't see any cheetah we were lucky enough to see lots of other game. We stopped at the watering hole and sat on top of the truck wathching the comings & goings of the animals & having an awesome picnic.

On Friday morning Mitch & I headed off for a run which turned out to be more of a walking hike. We came across some really huge baboons & were deciding weather to retrace our steps but then they moved off. We were able to carry on and were rewarded with some really beautiful views from the top. Another hot day, so after a cool down swim in the pool we packed up and headed to Graaff Reinet to visit William, Cathy, James & Anna Pringle.

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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee