Tuesday 27 November 2012

Nieu Bethesda-Saturday 17th-Monday 19th November

Nieu Bethesda-Saturday 17th-Monday 19th November
We arrived in Nieu Bethesda at about lunchtime and parked the truck in Guy & Karen's garden. What a small piece of paradise they have here. The Karoo landscape is amazingly beautiful in a very striking way. Blue, blue skies and stunning landscape, the most amazing roses seem to be growing in every garden like weeds.
We went for a drive to the local Brewery and tried out their honey beer and homemade cheeses. After this we visited the famous Owl House and found out about the interesting life of Helen Martins.

Later on in the afternoon the kids played around in the garden and had great fun on the foofie slide and made friends with Guy and Karen's nieces and nephews and went to play tennis with them at the country club.

On Sunday morning we went for a cycle around town and then went to look at the Fossil Museum in town and later on for a drive up towards the Sneeuberg Mountains, some really stunning views and lovely bird life.
On Sunday evening we had a lovely braai with David, Bonny & family and really enjoyed their warm hospitality.
Monday morning arrived and we packed up and headed off to Port Elizabeth to say hello and goodbye to the Brown's and then on to Jeffreys Bay.

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