Friday 31 May 2013


After an early start we drove to Martin’s Drift border post. The border post was nice and quiet and we got through relatively easily. We stopped at a Spar in Palaypye, which has a power station just outside that is basically the powerhouse of Botswana. Her we got some groceries at a Spar and filled up with diesel.  We drove through and on towards Khama Rhino Sanctuary. Botswana has a very South African feel to it compared to Moz & Malawi, so you feel quite at home. The locals we have encountered have been extremely friendly & helpful.

MITCH: Khama Rhino Sanctuary 28-30 May
Today we left for Botswana. It was quite a long drive to our first destination- Khama Rhino Sanctuary. When we arrived we saw some beautiful birds, the Grey Go-Away bird  a Loerie and when I was walking around I saw a big wood pecker. It was beautiful. After we had set up we went to the restaurant and had some chips, we also had a swim. When we got back to the restaurant Aimee, Bryce & I went exploring. This campsite does not have electricity but it has hot water and clean ablutions. Today we had a lazy morning watching the birds at the campsite, but in the afternoon we went for a game drive.

 At the first watering hole we saw springbok, gemsbok, giraffe, a jackal, impala and white rhino. Did you know that the white rhino and black rhino are the same colour but it is said that the Eouropeans gave them there names by the way they carried their babies. White people in front, as the white rhinos do and they have squarer mouths for grazing grass.The black rhinos let their babies follow to protect them from bush as the black people carry babies  at the back, the black rhinos are smaller & eat the leaves off bushes. This is just one theory. The Khama rhino santuary started off with 8 rhinos and now they have 48. That is a big increase. While we were on the way too the next watering we saw 1 weildebeist and 6 white rhino. When we got to the next watering hole we saw a small baby and a mother. afterthe game drive we we back too the campsite. The Khama rhino santuary started off with 8 rhinos and now they have 48. That is a big increase. While we were on the way too the next watering we saw 1 weildebeist and 6 white rhino. When we got to the next watering hole we saw a small baby and a mother. afterthe game drive we we back too the campsite.

Before we started our game drive we learnt everyones names Mufui and

Dan nice and easy. On the game drive first we saw a watering hole and at

the watering hole we saw buck,giraffe,wild dog and best of all Rhino

we learnt that Europeans gave the black and white Rhino their names

because the black ladies carry the babies on their backs and the

black Rhino keep the babies behind them and the white ladies

 put there babies in prams in front of them and white Rhinos

keep there babies in front of them. Soon the game drive was

over and it started to get cold we sat around the fire and had supper.

In the morning we packed up and left for Planet Baobab. When

we got to planet baobab we swam and soon it was night time.

Today we left Warmbaths @ about 4:45am for Botswana. We arrived at the Border Post. It did not take long until we were in Botswana. Not far from the Border Post we did see a few Baboons. On the way to Khama Rhino Sanctuary we stoped in Palapye to get fuel and groceries. Did you know that the Pula which is Botswana's currency is stronger than the Rand. We finally arived at Khama Rhino Sanctuary. There are lots of beautiful birds here and when you keep quiet you can hear the birds tweeting and the bushes moving. For supper we had a braai & once we had eaten we sat around the fire and listened to the sounds of nature.
WEDNESDAY 29/5/2013
This morning we just relaxed and in the afternoon went on a game drive. We saw lots of White Rhino, Impala, Zebra, Giraffe,, Gemsbok, Osttrich and we saw a Red Hartebeast. It was wonderful seeing so many animals especialy the the White Rhino. We sat around the fire and had our supper.
THURSDAY 30/5/2013
Today we left Khama Rhino Sanctuary to go to Planet Baobab.

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