Wednesday 22 May 2013


Thursday  21st March – Sunday 24th March 2013

WILD WOMEN ON THE RUN: Twenty of us ladies from East London and surrounding areas set off o our 90km, 3 day trail run. Finally after lots of training, but never quite enough we set off from Glen Eden on Thursday 21st March to our final destination at Mazeppa Bay to raise funds for charity. It was a real priveledge to be part of such an amazing challenge along such a beautiful coastline as the Wild Coast with an amazing group of ladies. We raised R72000 for the charities and it was a very special time filled with lasting memories and friendships.

 Heading off into the sunrise: Awesomely beautiful day!
Wonderful group of ladies
Lu, Candy & I on the last evening

MORGAN BAY: Grant and a couple of the other dads whose partners were involved in Wild Women went camping at Morgan Bay. Although the wind howled for most of the weekend, the kids had a ball and the dads earned serious brownie points for all their work.


Wednesday 27th March -  Sunday 31st March 2013

BRYCE’S POST: Today we arrived in P.E. for the Grom Games. My mom t ook me for a surf before I had to report to Island Vibe, which is where the Border team was staying. At Island Vibe there was a pool table, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. We had supper and then went to the opening function which was held in the Victoria Park Grey school hall. They showed us a lot of surfing videos and then told us a bit about the history of Grom Games and also the sponsors spoke to us. The guest speaker was Matt Bromley, ( big wave surfer) and he spoke to us about conquering your fears. One example he gave was the fear of disappointment and being afraid of disappointing people. After this we got our packs and we were so lucky as we got 2 waxes, a key chain, t-shirt, stickers and Bos iced tea. We also got a R100 voucher for the Billabong shop at the Boardwalk.

DAY 1: This morning we went for a surf at 5h30 and then back to Island Vibe to get ready for the day. The day started with a march past and then the surfing heats began. It was a beautiful  day, the  sun was shining and the water was warm. I surfed my first heat and came second so was very happy as I made it through to the next round. In the evening we went to the Boardwalk where we were able to get autographs from Matt Bromley, Shaun Payne, Emma & Gina Smith and we were able to spend our vouchers.

DAY 2: Today the weather was not great. I did not surf but went to the beach to support my teammates.
DAY 3: Today I surfed and came third in my heat so I did not make it through to the finals. I spent the rest of the day watching my teammates and the weather was really grotty so in the evening we went to the movies.
DAY 4: Today the weather was terrible, rain & wind. I was taking part in the tag team and the flags. We came third in the tag team surfing heat. Your whole team gets 45 minutes  to catch 2 waves each which you have to claim. There are 4 boys & 1 girl in a team. My friend Nicholas came second in the flags. I went home to get dry clothes and then came back to the beach for prizegiving.

 Tag team
Monday 1st April – Wednesday 3rd April 2013

AIMEE’S POST: Today we arrived in Jeffrey’s Bay and the whole day we shopped as it was pouring with rain and all the factory shops had sales. We shopped up a storm! I was in my element.

On Tuesday we left  J’Bay and headed for Cape St Francis. We stopped  on the way so that my brothers could surf with their friends. Then we went to the campsite and were so happy because our cousin Andrea came to stay. In the morning we went surfing & it was FREEZING…..Andrea says she stood up first time because she wanted to get her feet out the water.

OUDTSHOORN: Thursday 4th April – Monday 8th April
BRYCE’S  POST: Today we arrived in Oudtshoorn and I had to go to the pool for a warm up with our swimming coach Vi.

The next morning we had to get to the pool at 7h30. I swam I 2 races and made it to both the finals and got 2 bronze medals. After my swim we went to the KKNK festival and we ate these amazing pizza stroller meals which is a dough cone with pizza toppings. Yummy! I managed to get into 2 more finals and here I got a 1 silver and 1 bronze. After the final day I went with the team to the Spur for supper.

AIMEE’S POST: Today we left Cape St Francis to go to Oudtshoorn for Bryce to take part in a leel 1 gala. I saw my fried Clarissa and we went to the KKNK festival together. We went on the ferris wheel and everytime it wet aroud we screamed and we went on tea cups that spun around so fast that we were dizzy. We also played a game and what you had to do was shoot down the cans and get a teddy. We shot no cans so we tried a different game where we had to pull out an egg from a dustbin and it either had R200 or a number on it and then you could choice a teddy.

BUFFELS BAAI: Monday 8th April

MITCH’S POST: We arrived in Buffels Baai at the campsite in the afternoon and after we had set up camp we went for a surf and swim. For the rest of the afternoon we just chilled and played around the campsite.
On Tuesday morning we went for a run on the beach with mom and as we were heading back to the campsite you could see the storm clouds heading over. We decided to pack up and head for Jeffreys Bay.

JEFFREYS BAY: Tuesday 9th April – Thursday 11th April

AIMEE’S POST: We arrived in J-Bay to gale force winds and went to look at the beach and factory shops as tomorrow it is Bryce’s birthday.

HIP HIP HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYCE! Today it is Bryce’s birthday and he got a surf board from my mom and dad and a t-shirt, hoodie and hacky sack from me. From Mitch he got a bangle and chocolates. We went to Nina’s for breakfast and after that we all went surfing, as this is what he wanted to do for his birthday. For supper we went to Pasta & Co and In the morning we left for P.E.

PORT ELIZABETH: Thursday 11th – Sunday 14th April

We headed straight to Pine Lodge when we arrived In P.E. and after setting up we headed for the convention centre at the boardwalk to collect our registration packs for the weekends races.  I the afternoon we went to swim at Hobie Beach. Mom, Bryce & Mitch swam out to the buoy and back. We went to visit the Browns and had supper with them.
On Saturday morning we dropped Lauren off for her triathlon and then collected her after the race and took the truck up to Grant & Michelles as we were worried about getting out of Pine Lodge on the Sunday of the Iron Man.

Heidi & I took Aimee,Emma & Rachel down to the Iron Kids as they were in the first heats. Grant brought Bryce & Mitch later. It is always a long day but so enjoyed by the kids and they love receiving their amazing Pritt goodie bags. On the Sunday we headed back to East London where it is always good to be home.

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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee