Friday 17 May 2013

Lol And Kids on train to Joburg

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JOHANNESBURG: Friday 17th May – Saturday 25th May:
AIMEE’S BLOG: Today we went on a train. It was great, we could walk a couple of steps and get to the restaurant. We even slept on the train, Mitch and I slept at the top and mom and Bryce at the bottom. In the morning the train had got as far as Bloemfonteinand stopped because on the tracks in front of us another train had crashed into a car. They think the car was stolen and had been left over the tracks. We waited for ages and eventually buses arrived to take us the rest of the way to Jhb. It took 7 hours and we had to stop wherever the train would have stopped to drop people off. When we got to Jhb Granny Joyce fetched us and we went to our cousins house for supper. It was such fun playing with them again and Travis is so funny, he makes us laugh.

BRYCE'S BLOG: On Friday 17th May we left East London on the Shosholoza Mayl train to Johannesburg. It was a wonderful experience and we had a lot of fun telling stories and walking around to discover different parts of the train. Once we had reached Bloemfontein we stopped for about 5 hours because there had been an accident on the track ahead & the buses had to come all the way from Jo'burg. Once we were on the bus it took 7 hours to get to Jo'burg station.
Once we had arrived we went to our cousins house for supper.
The next day we had breakfast at a driving range and hit some golf balls at Huddle Park.

Then we went to Uncle Craig & Aunty Viv for lunch. Our cousins Josh & Cameron were there so we got to see them all. We were going to meet the Browns at the Randburg astro turf so Josh took us on a short cut route and we got there quickly. We went to watch Jeppe boys playing in a final of some or other tournament. We played hockey on the astro turf at the top and had lots of fun with the cousins.
BRYCE'S BLOG: The next morning we went to Huddle Park for breakfast, it also has a driving range and golf course and played golf and it was lots of fun. After this we went to our Uncles hose for a lovely lunch and it was really great to see our cousins, Josh & Cam.
After lunch we went to the Randburg astro to watch Jeppe boys play hockey as they had made it to the final and played very well, unfortunately they lost by 1 goal after extra time and penalty shots.
We also played hocky on the top astro. After this we went back to Ryan and Mandi's house to have supper.
On Monday morning we caught the bus to Eastgate shopping centre and got some shopping done. After this we walked  across the bridge to China City at Bruma and walked around there until granny came to fetch us after she had finished work. we spent the afternoon playing hockey in the garden at grans house & chewed up a lot of her grass.

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