Saturday 30 June 2012

Mumbo Island-Cape MacLear -28-30 June

Mumbo Island-Cape MacLear - 28th - 30th June
Kayak Africa
We were collected from Fat Monkeys campsite and taken to the Kayak Africa reception. From here we were transferred to Mumbo Island by boat. The trip to the island was about one hour and from the moment we arrived there we felt like we were in Paradise with a capital,"P". We were staying in the family tent which is tucked away on the island under beautiful shady trees with wooden decking walkways joining it to the rest of the island.
Family tent
They provide you with 3 meals a day and tea, coffee, juice and homemade biscuits included in your price. The food was amazing and the staff were so friendly.

Tented camps on island
Our days were spent snorkelling, paddling around the island and taking walks on the island to all different look out points.
Paddling around Mumbo Island
Mitch,"the bay" playing in the hammock
We went on a sunset cruise the one night and saw the most beautiful sunset, the kids had great fun jumping off the boat in the middle of the lake.
We were returned via another boat called," Feersum Enjun" on the way back to Kayak Africa and are spending another night at Fat Monkeys before heading on to Senga Bay tomorrow.


  1. You guys make my mind boggle with all the wonderful things you are doing!! What a wonderful life time experience!! Thank you for keeping us all up to date with your travels.

  2. Fabulous! Love the posts and updates. You all look so tanned and fit. Have fun. xxxx

  3. I keep wondering how many km's you have done?Surfing on a lake! seems strange but then I haven't seen Lake Malawi!Ryan and Mands have gone to Julies folks place at Kruger for a week, so they are probably experiencing nice hot weather too. Mitch I like your hair you look quite at home in the bush. Bryce,better stop growing, you are nearly as tall as your mom. Aimee, what were you 'doing' or 'saying' to keep your family laughing at tennis? Love you all lots.xxxxx


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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee