Sunday 2 June 2013



WEDNESDAY 5/6/2013
Today we left Elephant Sands and arrived at Chobe River Lodge. Here there is a wonderful pool, birds and monkeys. We saved a bird which was stuck between the mesh and the thatch.

Thursday 6/6/2013
This morning at 6:00am we went on a amazing game drive!!! We had not gone too far before we saw two elephants. Not long after that we spotted some lion tracks, we were all very excited. The people ahead of us radioed our guide and told him that there were lions. We were like cowboys and went racing there as fast as we could. We were very lucky to see the female lion as the male had run into the bushes. We later saw two female lions and two cubs. We saw vultures feeding on a dead elephant, Maribu stalks, we saw the largest vulture which is the leopard faced vulture and we also the heaviest flying bird in the world which can grow to be 19kg. We stopped and they gave us some tea and coffee. On our way back to the entrance of the game reserve we saw lots of hippo, plenty of giraffe and masses of elephant. Once we had left the reserve we saw elephant crossing the tar road. It was an amazing game drive.

This afternoon we went on a boat cruise. We saw lots of animals on this boat cruise and took some good photos. We saw elephant, hippo, crocodile, giraffe, buffalo, waterbuck, kudu, impala, baboons and one of the endangerd species the puku .The elephant, buffalo, buck and hippo swim across to the island in the dry season so that they can feed on the green grass. Did you know that the collective noun for giraffes is a tower of giraffes and that hippoes kill the most humans for a water animal. The elephant swim across and the babies hold onto the mothers tail. We watched the sun go down and then went back.
The next day we woke up at half past five for a game drive. When we started the game drive it was freezing but the the driver called Mishak gave us blankets and he was in shorts.We went on our game drive in Chobe National Park and saw Impala, hippo, wart hog and we saw elephant and best of all we saw lion and and lioness and little baby lion cubs. When it was 7 o’ clock they gave us tea and coffee, after that we carried on with our game drive. When we started again we saw lots of giraffe and elephants. When we got back on the road back towards Chobe Safari Lodge we even saw elephants on the road. When we got back we had our breakfast and later on we are going to go on a boat cruise.

In the afternoon we went on a lovely boat cruise and saw lots and lots of game and this is what we saw elephant, kudu, hippo, crocodile, and buffalo. We also saw baboon - my worst animal. We went on the Chobe River on a boat. Across the river is Namibia and we were like 20 meters away from Namibia. Do you know what a heard of Giraffe is? It is either a journey or a tower of giraffe. And do you know what a group of crocodile is called? It is a bask of crocodile. When we got back we went to the shop called Choppies and got some food. When we got back we had supper and went to bed.

 MITCH:Chobe River Lodge 5-9 June

Today we arrived at Chobe River Lodge. When we arrived we helped a baby bird get out of some mesh. After we had setup we went to the restaurant and had some lunch. At the restaurant there is a pool. After lunch we went back and we went exploring the campsite & lodge. In the evening we had delicious pasta. Today we left for a game  drive ar 6:00 am. When we arrived at the Chobe National Park, our guide had to register us to go in. The first animal we saw was an Elephant. Soon after that he got a call saying there was a lion further on. He drove so fast we got to see the lioness. The animals we saw were lion, hippo, elephant, mongoose, vultures, maribu stork, giraffe and warthog. Half way through we stopped and had some tea. On the way back we saw 26 elephant in one area and we also had to stop for elephants on the way back. After game drive we went to the pool. When we were at the pool we were shooting catties ant I let go of the wrong side ant it hit my eye it was very sore. After the pool we went back to the motorhome to have a rest.
 After our rest we went for a boat cruise. The first thing we saw was a pod of hippos. Did you know that a group of hippos is called a pod or a raft? The next thing saw was a herd of elephant. The next thing we saw were baboons Aimee’s favourite animal, jokes she hates them. Then we saw another raft of hippos and crocodile. Did you know when a crocodile opens its mouth it is to cool down or too warm up. The next animal we saw was a tower of giraffes. A tower or a  journey is a group of giraffe. After we arrived we went the shop and got fresh bread and had sandwiches.

Where we were doing the cruise on the Chobe river at one point it becomes the meeting point of all the countries Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. They call it the naboziza point.

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