Sunday 2 June 2013

BOTSWANA-Okavango River Lodge


We had a leisurely drive from Planet Baobab yesterday. The roads are very straight and as flat as the eye can see. We saw some awesome animals just on the side of the road.
Aardvark super size
After driving through Maun we headed to Okavango River Lodge where there are nice grassy sites on the bank of the river. We met a lovely family from New Zealand that are touring for four months with their four children ( Stan, Sarah,Meggy & Phoebe.) The kids have been having a ball playing together. We had a braai with a couple from Sweden, Alexandria & Ivana, who was celebrating her 55th birthday and Phil & Margot & their kids. Great company & a good evening.
This morning we went on a boat safari up into the Delta. We had some amazing sitings of birds, crocodiles. We stopped off at the mokoro station and we all went for a short ride. Unfortunately children are not allowed to do the mokoro trips into the delta, so it was great that we got a small taste of the experience. We also went on a village tour into the local village.

The kids will update with their experiences soon.

MITCH:Okavango River Lodge Saturday 1-4 June 2013:

Today before we left we went for a run. When we got back we left for Okavango River Lodge. When we arrived some people from Zew Zealand were there. Their  children’s names are Stanley, Sara, Margaret and Phoebe. That day we mostly played with them. We played at the pool, we also shot our catties. In the evening we had braai with them. Today we went on a boat safari on the Okavango Delta with all our friends and their  parents. On the safari we saw lots of birds like fish eagle, grey heron, flamingo, maribu stork, pied kingfisher, giant kingfisher, snake eagle, hammerkop, lilac breasted roller. The lilac breasted roller. This is Botswana’s  national bird. We also saw crocodiles. We stopped at the village and did a little walk. On the way back to the boat we went on a mokoro ride. A man taught us how to make a water lilly necklace. On the way back we had a little swim at a safe point in the river. After that we went to have some lunch and after that we had a rest. After our rest we went straight back to playing. After playing we went and had supper.

Aimee:Okavango River Lodge
Today we arrived at Okavango River Lodge and it was hot! When we got there we setup and then ran in the sprinklers,after that we went to the restaurant where mom was doing some work. When we got to the my mom introduced us to a couple with four children. Their names are Margaret, Sara, Phoebe and Stanley. Then we all spent the rest of the day at the pool. In the night time we had a braai with everyone around. In the morning we went on a boat cruise and saw Fish Eagle. We also saw the lilac breasted roller which is the national bird of Botswana. And we also saw a lot of other beautiful birds. We stopped at a village and went on a walk and went on a mokoro boat and the man taught us how to make necklace out of water lillies. When we were going heading back to the camp we stopped at a place that was safe to swim and cooled down. When we got back to the camp we had lunch then went back to the truck to have a rest. Later we went to the restaurant. after a while we had supper at the restaurant and then went to bed.

 SATURDAY 1/6/2013-Today we left Planet Baobab to go to the Okavango Dalta. Once we arrived we ran in the sprinklers and made some new friends their names are Stan, Meg, Sara and Phoebe. They are from New Zeland.  It is a lot fun to have some new friends.

SUNDAY 2/6/2013- This morning at 10:00 we went on a boat trip into the Okavango Delta and this is what we saw:  crocodiles, fish eagles, a bearded woodpecker, a monitor lizzard, flamingoes, king fishers and Botswana's national bird which is the lilac breasted roller. They took us to to a safe place to swim.We went all the way to the mokoro  station. Once we got back we had some lunch. Did I mention that our new friends were on the boat trip with us.


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