Tuesday 25 June 2013



When we got to the campsite we went to the pool and played a board game. In the afternoon we had lunch then played another board game. Soon it was dark and we had supper then went to bed.

Today we went to see Victoria falls from the Zambian side. It was sooooo AWESOME! This time we wore rain jackets. When we got back we had lunch and then we went for a swim at the pool. After that we went back to the truck. Soon it was dark we had supper and then went to bed.

At six o clock we left Zambezi water front and went to a place called Eureka camp near Lusaka. When we got there we saw zebras in the road  and it looked like they were waiting to get dusty. Later on we had a swim and there were giraffe in the campsite. Soon it was dark and we went to bed tomorrow we are leaving early for Chipata.

  MITCH: Zambia
Zambezi Waterfront 13-16 June
Today we left for Zambezi Waterfront in Zambia. When we arrived we went to look around the campsite. We went for a swim and we played a board game called, “ Who’s the Richest”. After that went to the restaurant to have a look. In the evening we had a braai. Today in the morning we took a taxi to Vic Falls on the Zambian side. Did you know that Vic Falls was discoverd in Zambia but the most well known side is the Zimbabwe side? When we arrived I was so excited! The first thing we looked at was the World War  memorial statue. The one thing that is most different about the two spots, is that in Zambia it is not as smart but you get much closer to the Falls. Also it is really beautiful. On the first trail we did not get wet and we didn't get too close to the Falls. Before the next trail we got our rain jackets on and went. On this trail we went over a bridge, it was amazing. We carried on with the amazing trail and I was amazed by how much water comes down the Falls every second. P.S bring rain jackets if we didn't have rain jackets we would have got drenched. At the end we saw a huge baboon and Aimee freaked out. When we got back we had a swim in the freezing cold water. After a swim we did some work. Later on Mom did the blogsite. In the evening we had pasta. Tomorrow we leave for Lusaka.
Eureka Camp 15 June
Today we had a long drive. While we were driving we did lots of work. After seven hours we arrived at Eureka Camp. When we arrived we saw impala and zebra. After we had setup we had some lunch at the restaurant. There is a clean pool and it is freezing. In the evening there was a soccer match going on and when I ran past there was silence for a second and then there was shouting because Zambia scored. In the evening we had noodles.

Today we arrived in Zambia and are staying at the Zambezi Waterfront. It has a big pool and wi-fi. There are lots of monkeys.

FRIDAY 14/6/2013
Today we went to Victoria Falls from the Zambian side, it was awesome.  First we went on a walk called The Bridge Walk. On this walk we saw the falls crashing down and the rain forest. On this walk you feel like you are going to fall because the barriers are breaking up and not very stable. We also went on a walk were you cross a bridge and because the spray from the water is crashings so hard it feels like it is raining. It is a good thing that we had ponchos with us this time. I have got to say that I liked the Zambian side more than the Zimbabwean side because you get closer to the falls and because there are less barriers you feel like you are a part of them.

Today we travelled for about six hours. We finally arrived at a campsite called Eureka Campsite. They have lots of wildlife like zebra, giraffe, donkeys and a jack russel that Mitch thought was a hyena. They also had a pool here. The next day we traveled for about 7 hours. Once we arrived in Chipata we were very excited because we were going to meet some friends of ours that we met in Malawi last year and they live in Chapata. There names are Cosmos,Goretti, Demi, Candy and Lenni. We had lots of fun playing with them.
When we got there we met other people and they were also boy- boy -girl. Soon it was dark and we went to bed. The next day we went for a run and then did some work and tonight we are going on a night drive. When we started our night drive we saw giraffe, hippo, civet, hyena and best of all we saw leopord. Now we have finally seen the big five.
The next day we went for a run and then did some exercises. After that we did some work and then went for a swim. Soon it was dark we had supper and then went to bed and tomorrow we're going to Malawi.
 MONDAY 17/6/2013 - Today we left Mama Rulas to go stay at South Luangwa. Once we arrived we were very happy that there was a pool because it was a hot and bumpy drive here but that is what they call, “ an African massage.”
TUESDAY 18/6/2013 - This morning we did a run & some exercises and after that we did our work. We got more and more excited the closer it got to 16:00 because we were going on a night drive and there was a good chance of seeing leopard. This is what we ended up seeing on the night drive.:-) A Tawney Eagle which is a true eagle because of the feathers around the legs, we  also saw lots of puku which are very rare in Botswana but are like impala in Zambia. We saw hippo and did you know that there is one dominant male hippo and the rest are female in a pod of hippo unless the male invites a friend to come and live with him but if the male that was invited into the pod tries to mate with the females the dominant male will fight the invited male all day and all night. Hippos can die from these  fights. We saw elephant too. Once the sun had gone down we saw hippos feeding, civet which are beautiful creatures, we also saw genet, more puku and you won't believe it but we saw a leopard stalking its pray, it was really beautiful and smart. Did you know that cheetah relies on their chasing but leopard and lion rely on their stalking to get their food. We also saw a bushbaby on the way out of the park.
WEDNESDAY 19/6/2013 - Today we did a run  & some exercises and work. We did not do too much else besides a braai at  lunch &  a bull elephant came through the campsite.
MITCH: Eureka Camp 15 June
Today we had a long drive. While we were driving we did lots of work. After seven hours we arrived at Eureka Camp. When we arrived we saw impala and zebra. After we had setup we had some lunch at the restaurant. There is a clean pool and it is freezing. In the evening there was a soccer match going on and when I ran past there was silence for a second and then there was shouting because Zambia scored. In the evening we had noodles.
Mama Rulas - 16 June
Today after a 7 hour drive we arrived at Mama Rulas in Chipata. When we arrived we setup and went and played  a game called, “Who’s the richest but not for long . A few minutes later Bryce started chasing Aimee. In the evening we had supper with some friends we met in Malawi. Their names are Cosmas Goretti, Demmi, Lenni and Candy. We had a nice night.
 Wildlife Camp, South Luwangem- 17-20 June
Today we had a hectic drive to Wildlife camp in South Luwange National Park. Today it was the second day with clouds in the sky. It is a lovely place to stay and has a warm pool. The first place that doesn,t have a cold pool. We met people from Austrailia and played with their children. In the evening we had a braai.
Today we worked all morning and at 4:00 we went on a game drive , I was so excited!
 The people that took us on the game drive their names are Goerge and Joseph. Before we arrived in the park itself we saw a Tawney Eagle, it was amazing. When we were at the gate we saw a bushbuck. When we were on the bridge we saw two fisherman with a huge net fishing near hippos. Did you know that hippos dung attracts fish? The first animal we saw was an elephant. The next animal we saw were puku and impala. Then we saw a lilac breasted roller and later on we saw ground hornbills. They are huge. When we were about two hours through our drive we stopped and had sundowners. Then came the most amazing two hours of my life. The sun was down and we were on the road. The first amazing animal we saw was a servel. It was amazing the next amazing animal we saw was a genet. The next amazing animal and now one of my favourite animals a hyena. The hyena looks ugly but if you look at it carefully you will see it has a teddy bear face. Then came the great moment, wait for it…. We saw a leopard! Now we had seen all the big five. It was beautiful. After that we saw my favourite animal a bushbaby. After the game drive we went back to the truck.
Today we did work and just stayed around the campsite. In the afternoon we got a visit by an elephant while we were doing work.

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Thanks for joining us in our Adventure - Grant, Lauren, Bryce, Mitch & Aimee