Friday 7 June 2013


TUESDAY 4/6/2013

Today we left Okavango River Lodge for Elephant Sands. There is a pool right by the watering hole  and here we saw about 17 elephants at the same time. We also saw some kudu with huge horns and a baby. It has been wonderful watching the elephant only 15 metres away and seeing how they drink and spray themselves with mud.
In the morning we had breakfast and then left for Elephant Sands. When we got to Elephant Sands we setup then went for a swim and saw 10 elephant right next to us, then 3 more came then another 3 came. Soon there were Sixteen and 2 babies. Then we had supper and more Elephants came to the watering hole. When we had supper we came back inside and went to bed.  In the morning we left Elephant Sands and went to Chobe Safari Lodge.
MITCH:Elephant Sands- 4 June 2013
Today we left for Elephant Sands. I was sad because we wouldn’t see our friends again. When we arrived we saw a huge elephant at the water hole. At the water hole there is fresh water for them. After we had setup more elephants came then more elephants came and at one stage there were 16 elephants. While we were having supper two mothers came with tiny babies. We also saw lots of Kudu. Now I am writing my story.

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